RNNP 2024

Survey about "Trends in risk level in the North Sea petroleum activity (RNNP)":

As an employee in the Norwegian or British petroleum industry working with diving operations, we would like to invite you to participate in the survey about "Trends in risk level in the North Sea petroleum activity (RNNP)".

This is a survey by the Norwegian Ocean Industry Authority (Havtil). In 2024, in cooperation with UK Health and Safety Executive, the diving personnel questionnaire survey is extended to include diving personnel on the UK continental shelf for the first time.

The survey is intended for personnel involved in diving operations. See list of positions below.

The questions concern your working environment, perception of safety and the effects of work on your health, as well as other safety-related topics. Your contribution based on your experience and knowledge of the petroleum industry is very valuable.

It takes about 25 minutes to answer the questionnaire. The survey is open through all of 2024 and should be answered once per diving operation by personnel involved in the current operation. 

All responses will be treated strictly confidentially, and no individuals will be identifiable in the results.

List of positions eligible for the survey:

Diving personnel:

- Diving superintendent
- Diving supervisor saturation
- Saturation diver
- Life support supervisor
- Life support technician
- Assistant LST
- Gasman
- Diving Supervisor surface supply
- Surface supplied diver
- Dive technician supervisor
- Dive technician
- Platform diving liaison (Light Dive Craft (LDC) support)
- Gasman

Non-diving personnel involved in diving operations:

- Offshore manager
- ROV supervisor
- ROV operator
- DP operator
- Coxswain Light Dive Craft (LDC)

Participation in the project is voluntary. If you choose to consent to participate, you may withdraw your consent at any time, without stating a reason. All information about you will then be deleted.

There will be no negative consequences for you if you choose not to participate or subsequently decide to withdraw.

If you have any questions, or you want to withdraw your consent, please contact:

Thank you for your help in advance!

Background and purpose

The RNNP survey for divers has been conducted bi-annually since 2018, and aims to detail how diving personnel experience health, safety and environmental (HSE) conditions in their own working environment. This is a part of the broader RNNP programme, which includes studies in the rest of Norway’s petroleum sector, carried out by the Norwegian Ocean Industry Authority (Havtil) since 2000.

RNNP is performed in close cooperation with the Safety Forum (The Cooperating Organisations (DSO), United Federation of Trade Unions, Norwegian Union of Industry and Energy Workers (IE), Norwegian Organisation of Managers and Executives (Lederne), Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO), Norwegian Shipowners Association, Federation of Norwegian Industries, Offshore Norge, SAFE, NITO, Tekna and The Electrician and IT workers union).

The purpose of the survey is to monitor trends in safety and working conditions over time, to allow measures to be implemented to correct any adverse trends and in general help improve safety and the working environment in the industry.

  • Read more about your privacy and rights related to this survey here.
  • See Safetec’s privacy policy here.