
Consequence analysis

Safetec has extensive experience in utilizing CFD simulations to assess consequences related to fire, explosion and dispersion of smoke and toxic gas.

Fire modelling

Why model fire processes?

Where there is flammable gas or liquid, there is a possibility of ignition and fire. In a fire scenario, smoke and heat are developed, which can significantly damage people, the environment, and material values.

Knowing as much as possible about the effects is an essential part of being prepared for dealing with such situations. Knowledge of possible consequences can be used to implement measures to limit the damage.

We can assist in calculating the probability of a fire occurring, simulating the levels and consequences of radiation and smoke, and mapping how alternative scenarios develop over time.

Contact us about Fire modelling
Jan Dahlsveen
Jan Dahlsveen

Chief Adviser

Programming tools used by Safetec:
  • KFX
  • CFX
  • Phast

Explosion modelling

Why model explosion risk?

In all areas with flammable gases or aerosols, there will be a possibility of explosion if gas is released and ignited.

Safetec has, over several years, gained in-depth experience with advanced Modelling of explosions. We assess the causes and probability of an explosion and can outline possible events. We use the best available software, combined with expert assessments and detailed 3D models of the facility, to provide insight into the consequences an explosion can have for people and/or economic values.

Contact us about Explosion modelling
Ronan Abiven
Ronan Abiven

Principal Safety Adviser

Simulation tools used by Safetec:

Flow and dispersion analyses

Why model gas and liquid distribution?

Exhaust or toxic/flammable gas can harm personnel, the environment, and material property if it spreads to unwanted areas.

We use the best software combined with detailed models of the facility, outdoor topography, weather or ventilation conditions, and accumulated knowledge to provide a reliable prediction of spread and associated consequences. By performing Flow and spreading Modelling, you clearly see spreading indoors or outdoors under different weather conditions. Dispersion of liquid and distribution in liquid can be modeled similarly.

Simulation tools used by Safetec:
  • KFX
  • CFX
  • OpenFoam